Die Elsässer Jahrgänge

Year 1970

1970 yet again confirmed the vocation of the Alsace wine-growing region to produce excellent dry white wines, resulting from the conjunction of two region-specific phenomena: a long late-autumn, warm, dry and sunny season, along with the desire of Alsace winemakers to discipline themselves for late harvests.

Balance & Harmony

The harvest

The 1970 harvest in fact only started on October 15 and pursued over three weeks under glorious sunshine.

This harvest proved to be excellent, in Alsace and in other regions, with a volume fortunately superior to those from previous years (950,000 hl).36/>

The wines

The Alsace 1970 vintage year wines have perfect balance, are harmonious and boast a certain typicity with great acidity.

Sylvaner 1970 makes a light, pleasant, fruity, harmonious and very characteristic wine.

Pinot Blanc 1970 has a certain charm and is well balanced with great acidity.

> Riesling 1970 is typical and very fruity.<47/>

Muscat d’Alsace 1970 reveals its fruitiness and usual bouquet, giving the impression of biting into a fresh grape.

Tokay Pinot d’Alsace 1970 is a full-bodied, fully ripe wine whose weight will delight connoisseurs.

Finally, Gewurztraminer 1970 remains a wine with unparalleled and enticing fruitiness and bouquet for which one could almost wish that throughout the year, the sun, from whom it gets its charm, could have given it more vigour.

Vin d'Alsace Information Centre

Die Elsässer Jahrgänge

Keine Lese gleicht der anderen! Jedes Jahr geben die klimatischen Bedingungen den Winzern einen natürlichen Rahmen vor, mit dem diese arbeiten. Der Jahrgang überträgt diese Klimaschwankungen auf die Wahrnehmung der Qualität eines Weines. Er weist im Übrigen auf das Alterungspotenzial der Flasche hin.

Entdecken Sie die 20 letzten Jahrgänge sowie die Jahrgänge, die in die Geschichte der grossen Weine eingegangen sind: