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The culinary journey
of Alsace wines

Food-wine pairings

Back from shopping: wines for all cuisines!

Alsace wines boast an incredibly diverse range of wines from very dry and light to generous and full-bodied. A pallet of choice giving both palpable and savoury culinary affinities as well as being intrepid and extraordinary! Enjoy buying your ingredients and juggle with the savours! The Vins d'Alsace can help fulfil any of your cooking ideas.

Which is the best wine for my dish?

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Dinner is served

The ABC of food-wine pairing

Basic principles to pair your dishes with the best Vin d'Alsace in the blink of an eye!

Dinner is served

of Alsace

Alsace is a deliciously-enticing region, the centre of internationally-reputed gastronomy, which greatly appreciates concocting delectable dishes!

The secret of these savoury recipes? Beautiful products, languorously-stewed dishes, simple and authentic flavours ... without forgetting the Vins d'Alsace which breathe vitality and conviviality into this cuisine.

Alsace wines are allies of...

Plaisirs au coin du feu

Potées ou ragouts, petits mijotés ou délicieux veloutés, l'automne offre un festival de couleurs et de saveurs. Des recettes qui ont du corps et du cœur et auxquelles on retourne avec gourmandise.

Découvrez toute l’onctuosité, la souplesse de vins blancs généreux qui donnent envie de prendre son temps !