The climate
A bright and hot spring which wasn’t able to compensate the damages caused by the winter, but worse still, the spring frost, with irregular budding and problems with coulure which often appeared for several grape varieties, notably Gewurztraminer.
The flowering happened around June 10, about fifteen days ahead of time. The relatively damp weather of June and July made everything drop behind and was partially gained thanks to the warm and sunny weather during August.
The harvest
The quality of this vintage year remained conditioned by the September weather conditions. Its record sunshine was able to sweep aside any worries regarding the harvest vine-health which was excellent this year with some outbreaks of deterioration here and there in early-ripening or hail-damaged areas which were quickly slowed down due to seasonal chilly nights and the remarkably warm and dry weather during the day.
The amount of sunshine measured by the Colmar France Weather Station for the month of September was 253 hours For comparison sake, this time was “limited” to 159 hours in 1989, a memorable year!
The water reserves accumulated during the summer actually turned out to be beneficial faced with this radiant late autumn weather.
At harvest time, and thanks to the exceptional weather conditions, all the grape varieties boasted record ripeness, superior even to that registered in 1989, as well as some great sugar/acidity balances.